Wednesday, May 20, 2009


107-106. I guess the boy didn't get his vitamins. You saw it here first.

Did You Know...?

...that "macchiato" of 'caramel macchiato' means "mark". The caramel macchiato is made differently from other espresso beverages at Starbucks. Whereas a latte is made by putting steamed milk on top of the espresso shots, a caramel macchiato is filled with the heated milk and foam after which the shots are poured on top of the foam, "marking" it with a brown spot created by the espresso. 
You can also get a regular 'espresso macchiato' 

We knew. Now you do, too.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Did You Know...?

A very special friend pointed out something very cool to me. Next time you eat a York Peppermint Patty, put it next to your ear, and break it apart. It makes the most unbelieveable sound. Also, save all your reciepts, you never know when you'll need them.

We knew. Now you do, too.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Swine Flu No More?

I just have one question- what happened to the swine flu? 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Website Idea

Wouldnt it be crazy if there was a website called "" that announced when people were going on first dates. Maybe we would plant people to take pictures of first dates, and post them on the site!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Angry NBA players

This one needs to be accredited to one of our dear friends, P:
You ever notice how in every sport other than basketball, a player is joyful and ecstatic after doing something to help his team? Hockey players hug each other radiantly; baseball players slap hands and fist pump jubilantly; football players jump into each other (and presumably smile under their helmets). Not so is the case with basketball players. They get furious and rave ferociously. Kevin Garnett can't stop dropping F-bombs. He smacked Rajon Rondo in the head after he exploded to the rim one game. Lebron James looks as if he's going to eat a little baby. Kobe Bryant looks like he's going to implode. Paul Pierce might kill somebody every time he hits a big three-pointer. 
Anyway- that's why we love the NBA. Where amazing (emotional response) happens. 

Monday, May 4, 2009

Do You Remember...? Tamagotchi

Isn't it amazing how incredibly bored we must have been as kids to be amazed and obsessed with something like the Tamagotchi? The Tamagotchi was a small handheld electronic device which involved taking care of an "electronic pet!" ??? Have you seen a Playstation 3 or an X-Box 360? Kids these days are shooting up Nazis in World War 2 games, with incredible bloody graphics, and we were obsessed with cleaning electronic poop off of a tiny black and white screen! We would wake up in the middle of the night because we heard our Tamogotchi beeping and it was time to take it out a play catch with it! What were we thinking?

One controversy over Tamagotchi digital pets involved children taking them to school because certain Tamagotchi versions could starve or die in less than half a day from lack of care. Worry over potential ownership disputes, class disruptions, and general distraction from schoolwork has led many schools to ban the product. Wow, alot has changed since we were kids.