Monday, March 30, 2009

Some Thoughts about Air Travel

Airplanes, Air travel, and Airports are strange places. There are so many things that have always confused me:

1)Many drug stores sell "travel toothbrushes," for trips. I dont understand this. Are regular toothbrushes too large to travel with?
2) During takeoff, passengers are instructed to turn off all mobile and electronic devices, including MP3 players and Game Boys. How safe are you supposed to feel knowing that your Game Boy can tamper with the Airplane's radar system? What exactly is the problem with using a game boy during takeoff? Does the pilot hear the music in his headpiece? Does he see flying turtles and mushrooms in the radar?
3) One time I saw a luggage store at the gate. Now, who in the world is buying a piece of luggage at the gate??? Maybe someone needs some new luggage for his extraordinarily large toothbrush?
4) I was once on a JetBlue flight sitting in between two large passengers. I saw two empty seats across the aisle, and asked the stewardess if i could switch seats. She said that I couldnt, because it would disrupt the weight balance in the airplane. ARE YOU SERIOUS? If I have to walk to the bathroom, do I have to make sure to put some weight on the other side of the aisle so the plane won't shift?
5) Why does everyone only like Tomato Juice when they're on an airplane?

1 comment:

  1. 2. The reason you have to turn off all electronics is because they want people aware if anything goes wrong and they need to make announcements. It has nothing to do with interfering with the radar system.
    4. hahaha
