Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pesach Thought #2 - Kadesh

The Haggadah Kimotzei Shalal Rav quotes from Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach that normally during the year, we are so careful to make sure to eat right after Kiddush and not have any type of Hekseik between the Kiddush and the eating. Yet on the Leil HaSeder, there is such a large Hefseik between Kiddush and eating? We are Marbeh BiSipur Yitzias Mitzraim in between? Why isn’t this a problem? Rav Shlomo Zalman explains that the whole point of the night is to be “Mikadeish HaLayla”, to sanctify the night. Everything that we do during the Seder is in order to give Kedusha to Leil Pesach. Therefore, the Haggadah isn’t a Hekseif from Kiddush, because we view it as part of the same long process of giving Kedusha to the night. This is an important idea to keep in mind and stress to everyone at the table; that we are not merely telling over a story or having a good time, rather we are being Mikadeish the night, and therefore it is incumbent upon us all to fill the night with as much Kedusha as possible.

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